Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is different for each individual. With each different philosophy, belief, goals, morals, and value there is an existence of a unique meaning of life for that person. Thus "the meaning of life is life itself". Here, I will just express the meaning of the life for me.

I believe procreation is the meaning of life, without it there is a no life. Procreation is probably the most powerful tool that we possess today. With it, we can give birth to new life with higher intelligence, greater physical attributes, and other anomalies that can help the advance of civilization. One day, we will have the ability to travel anywhere in this galaxy, create any organic/inorganic material, and communicate telepathically with anyone, any place, anytime.

The second meaning of life is to create a goal for yourself that you would like to achieve in your life time. This would have to be something that is ever lasting and you can start working on it today till you die. For me, there are two main goals. One to find my true love that I can share the rest of my life with and two make enough money that I don't have to worry about it anymore. Money is a necessary evil in this world so why not have enough of it so that you don't have to worry about it anymore?​

Ideal World

One of my dream is to create the ultimate utopian society. I know that many people or culture have tried it but have never been very successful but you can always try again! In this ideal world there WILL be a single dictator that will make all the high level decision and it would be up to this person to consult with others to make his/her decision. The power could be abused but hopefully the person that is elected is someone that everyone in the society will trust. In order to get into this society, each individual need to pass a series of test just like college because there needs to be a standard that the society needs to have. The society needs to be self sufficient and grow very slowly to ensure that the high quality is kept at all time. Eventually, the society will grow big enough into a town then a city then its own state and eventually a country and finally the whole world. This would be so cool.

Search for Perfection

Another one of my ideal is to be the perfect man. Can anyone ever achieve this status? Probably not, but it never hurts to try. Everyone should aim to do a perfect job in whatever task you are trying to accomplish. If there is a standard, meet it. If there isn't one, set one. If someone can do it better, learn it. Never stop. In this world there is no such thing as second place if you want to be successful. Pick your own goal and don't stop until you get it. Do not compromise the quality of your work, the way your learn, the way you interact, the way you play. Bottom line, until you are satisfy with yourself you can not be satisfy with anything else in life.