Computer graphicsI

love to explore all the different types of image manipulation programs: It is amazing how one can express their creativity through images that one can create. One can create 3-D animation, 3-D models, or just simple photomorph. I get very excited to see something that I imagine in my head come to life on the screen or in printouts.

Math Problems

Ever since the first time that I was introduced with the Mandlebrot contest in seventh grade, I thought that I was really good at math. This encounter humbled me because I learned that math isn't just arithmetic, fractions, and basic geometry, it is an art of thinking. After this experience, I was very eager to learn as much as I could about math and participated in every math contest that I could get myself into: Math-o-rama, ILML, NSML, ARML, ASHME, AIME, AT-PAC, Mandle Brot, etc... Today, I still can't stop my desire and pursuit in solving any type of math problems that presents itself.

Calculator Programming

Indeed this is a strange pursuit, however if you look into the art of calculator programming, you would see the magnificent networks that are involved in this type of programming. Calculator programming is very different than computer programming because you are dealing with limited tools, low memory, and speed restriction. Not only do your programs have to work, they should always be in the most compact and time efficient form because the speed of these machines are not anywhere close to the PC's so there is no room for slacking. Over the years, I've familiarized myself with calculator programming in the TI-series, HP calculator serious, Casio series, and also Panasonic series.


There are just so many variations to this game that it is almost sickening and I LOVE IT! Each game is unique and exciting and you can never be certain of a win. The turn around in many of the games that I've seen and played just teaches me that you have to follow all the way through with your goal and plans and never take anything for granted because you can never be sure about your opponents.

Computer Programming

This relates to computer graphics. I love programming almost more than anything else because it is just another form of problem solving. I had work on projects at the Media Lab of MIT involving graphics programming and data encryption and description. For years, I've enjoyed the use of programs such as Corel Draw and PhotoShop. Through Media Lab, I'm actually writing graphics library in JAVA for my UROP (undergraduate research opportunity program). I learned a lot about image processing without having to take any courses on the subject! Learning stuff through my own experience is something that I enjoy a lot and feel to be more important than learning it from taking classes.

Textbook reading

Continuing on with my enjoyment in learning stuff on my own, I enjoy reading textbooks. Yes, it is dorky, boring, blah blah blah, but you would be amazed how much you can learn in a small amount of time if you can process the information in text books. Instead of reading a novel for easy reading, I tend to pick up chemistry, computer, drawing, and math textbooks. I personally feel that you should read for enjoyment, but it should also help you in your everyday life.

Final Word

Okay, if you've actually read this whole thing you're probably as strange (in a good way, of course) as I am. But thanks for taking the time to do so.